The concept of being or having a "fat friend" is a concept that me and my momma devised from sourcing our own personal experiences and hearing numerous anecdotes from friends and peers. However it has to be noted that being a "fat friend" has nothing to do with weight, although sometimes this is the targeted quality, it's any insecurity or abnormality that you might have. This characteristic is then noted and you're seen as a target to be invested in for friendship. All because you won't be seen as competition for attention from prospective men/women, leaving all of the attention on your so called "friend" for them to enjoy.

A fat friend is a person who would sacrifice their own attention from the only guy who's given them a second look all night in order to search the nine rooms of the club to find the person who smiled at their friend in the queue outside. These people are the gallon people whilst the friends who use them for their advantage are merely pints. Bishop T.D Jakes speaks of the concept of Pints and Gallons in an audience with Oprah. "When you are a 10-gallon person and you want love, you want it on a 10-gallon level," he says. "But if you fool around and hook up with a pint person, they could be giving you all that they have -- sincerely giving you everything, but it doesn't fill you up, because you're bigger than that." Does a pint ever truly quench your thirst? Surely not, you're always left wanting a little bit more.
So don't settle for being half quenched, flood yourself with gallon people and hydrate and nurture your soul fat friends.
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